There are a lot of questions people that are interested in joining direct sales, network marketing, affiliate marketing or internet marketing company ask me.
However, in today’s blog post I want to focus on two common misunderstandings or questions about network marketing:
1. Are people at the top making the most money?
2. Do the people who get in at the beginning make most or all of the money?
These questions are often asked by individuals that are concerned about joining an established network marketing company or joining under a large team where people are already making significant amounts of money.
People develop slanted perceptions because of their lack of knowledge about the industry.
Anyway, I believe the questions above are best answered by Tim Sales.
Tim Sales is a former military veteran (like me) turned professional marketer.
He is network marketing (MLM) guru, expert, and one of the most respected MLM trainers in the Direct Selling Industry.
Please watch the video (7 minutes)
[VIDEO] Tim Sales-Who’s Getting Rich-Who’s Not?
Tim Sales-Network Marketing
So what did you think?
I hope this video shared some light and answered these two very popular direct sales industry questions:
1. Are people at the top making the most money?
2. Do the people who get in at the beginning make most or all of the money?
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I wanted to write this blog post to help people that are new to direct sales and the network, affiliate or internet marketing industry.
Let’s say you just joined your first network marketing company and you have not heard from your sponsor!
*sound of crickets*
24 hours later still nothing
No Welcome Email No Phone Call Nada
Your Sponsor Sucks, But Why?
Let’s take a closer look
Your sponsor makes $30,000 a month and has a team in the thousands. You are attracted to the big numbers, the promise of great training, the capture pages, and the flashy YouTube videos of this savvy marketer.
Mistake Numero Uno (Number One)
Without realizing your sponsor sucks, you make a decision to join directly under this powerful industry leader and heavy hitter.
Wait a minute, exactly how much attention do you think he or she will personally give you, Mr. Newbie?
If you expect to receive a lot of help from your sponsor directly you are fooling yourself.
Your sponsor’s direct and personal help is reserved for the committed—Individuals on the team that have already proven themselves to be future leaders by taking action and building their business on a daily basis. The results: their individual teams are growing exponentially and their bank accounts are getting fatter.
Time Out!
In this scenario it really comes down to time management.
Your sponsor sucks probably because most company leaders do not have TIME to answer your mundane questions about the company, the products, etc etc.
Unfortunately this is what a lot of Newbies do in the beginning, ask a lot of questions. Nothing wrong with that but believe it or not, most of your questions are all the things you can easily look up on your own. But guess what, you did not take the…TIME!
You see in this case your sponsor sucks because he or she values their time.
And you Mr. Newbie still have to learn that everyone’s time is valuable (including Yours)so don’t waste it!
What happens now? What do I do?
If you are committed to your business and changing your financial situation then,
-Don’t quit
-Don’t complain
-Don’t get discouraged
-Drive On
Your sponsor does not determine whether you fail or not in the business, YOU determine that! Prove to everyone that YOU can do it.
Repeat After Me
I can and will SUCCEED with or WITHOUT my Sponsor!
Even in this scenario there is still hope. Your sponsor sucks but you can still take advantage of the team training that your sponsor probably has already provided. Nothing will build up your skill sets other than MLM trainings from leaders.
Attend the training Webinars even if your sponsor sucks Attend team Events even if your sponsor sucks Reach out to and make Friends with other Team Members (Experienced and Inexperienced) even if your sponsor sucks. Create a team of contacts and friends from other company teams.
NOTE: Don’t forget the training and marketing material your network marketing company has also provided. Plug in to all of your network marketing company’s functions, calls, events, meetings, conferences and conventions.Through your own personal development you will grow and overtime your business/marketing skills will increase.
I was talking to one of my team members the other day and I asked her,
Can you manage your organization with 100 members or leaders now?”
She said, NO Way! And I said,
Exactly and that is part of the personal development you need to go through to reach that stage.”
Your Sponsor Sucks, But It’s Ok!
I hope this post sheds a little light on why you might be struggling or frustrated right now, especially if you are depending on your sponsor.
So you are ready to make your first$30,000in30days?
WHOA, slow down cowboy!
Let’s talk about this!
Can it be done?
Sure, but the question you really have to ask yourself is “what are YOU willing to sacrifice in order to get there?”
Yes, I said sacrifice. Because you will have to give up something like time initially and maybe even some money.
Things Just Got Real
Ray Kroc turned McDonald’s into a legendary fast food restaurant, but he did it by putting in work.
Sam Walton made Wal-mart a household name, he did it by putting in work.
Let’s Be Honest
No one said being an entrepreneur or starting a home based business would be easy, if it were easy we all would own a McDonalds or a Wal-mart.
Personally I would rather work hard 3-5 years building my own business than working 40 years building a business for someone else.
But hey, that’s just me!
Keep It Real
We are all different. The Top Leaders in Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Online Marketing or Direct Sales did not all start at the top. They “internalized” the system they were taught and worked it with passion and commitment. Never quitting even at times when what they were doing did not always seem like it was worth it.
Some of the leaders that you know today spent many hours and years developing the skills they needed to hit the leader boards.
Of course there are a select few that rise to the top faster than others and without as much skill. Why is that? Well there are some people in the world that are naturally gifted.
For example, have you ever witnessed that guy or gal that could make straight A’s studying for a test the night before it happens? While others (Me & YOU) have to study the material for weeks in advance just to make the same A or even a B.
Just remember it doesn’t matter when you get the degree as long as you get the degree!
Another words don’t quit because the road is tough (believe me it will) and gets a little bumpy.
And don’t quit because it is taking you a long time to reach your goal. I like this cartoon illustration. Which person are you going to be? The Quitter or will you Persevere to the End?
I t doesn’t matter what company or business opportunity your are promoting, if you are new to marketing don’t expect to get rich over night.
Remember the old saying, “Rome was not built in a day!”
To Your Success
P.S. Before joining any network marketing business download my FREE eBook the Network Marketing Neophyte (see sidebar) on the right.
P.S.S Check out my RESOURCES Page to see the programs I recommend and tools I use to generate 20-50 new leads a day!
P.S.S.S. Not sure what business opportunity is for you, check out what I do to help people get out of debt and make money click here.
No matter what direct sales company you represent Avon, ACN, EPX Body, Mary Kay, Melaleuca, Motor Club of America (MCA), World Ventures, ViSalus, etc etc….if you are involved in the industry long enough expect to hear your business opportunity and the company you represent to be a called a SCAM.
You can Google your company right now and put “Scam” at the end and you will see what I mean. There will be at least one or two forums, blog post, or websites saying your business opportunity is a scam and slamming your network marketing company.
–>If you are a Leader of a large organization you will also be targeted<–
Your Business Opportunity Is A SCAM, But Why?
Here are what I believe are the top two reasons why others will shout the “SCAM” word about your business opportunity.
Reason 1
Many people will say your business opportunity is a SCAM because they personally had little to no success or completely failed at it. Yes, they are “the disgruntled”. Former members, agents, representatives or distributors that were excited when they initially signed up but discovered that you really do have to do some work and after 90 days and no income..QUIT!
Or perhaps they are “the upset” member. Mad at their sponsor because their sponsor refused to do all their work for them. Maybe they are even angry at the company. Blaming the founder(s) because they made no money at all. Usually a direct result of their lack of efforts or commitment. Instead looking at why they failed they just blame everyone, sponsor, company the industry etc etc.
To officially kick off the launch of my new Facebook Business Page I decided to hold a Sweepstakes or Give Away! The Grand Prize is $500 but I am also giving away a bunch of smaller prizes in the form of gift cards!
My Cash and Gift Cards Sweepstakes Rules
Participant must be 18 years or older, and have an active email address at entry time. Limit one entry per person. Gift cards are not refundable or redeemable for cash. Winner will be notified via email. Winner must claim prize within 72 hours of notification.
For every 50 “Likes” a random drawing will be held to award a $25 gift card. Gift cards are assorted.
How To Win The $500 Grand Prize
To qualify for the $500 Grand prize participant must 1) Go to my new Facebook Business Page and click the “LIKE” button. 2) Click on The Sweepstakes Tab. 3) Click on The “Yes, I Want To Win $500 Button. 4) Enter your FULL name (First & Last) and a Valid email address. 5) Hit the FB Share tab and that’s it! You are now entered in the my sweepstakes!
Sign up for a Prepaid NetSpend Visa or Master Debit Card through the link provided in sweepstakes or go to Charles Lenoir’s Facebook Fanpage site by April 30, 2013 and receive $20. You must complete the five steps outlined below.
Winner will be announced May 1, 2013. Give away is subject to participation. Sweepstakes is not in association with NetSpend but a promotional event sponsored by Charles Lenoir. Contest is for US residents only!
Don’t Miss Out On Your Chance To Win!
I will update this blog post as winners are selected!