If you are tired of consistently hearing ‘No’ when you approach prospects with your business opportunity then pay close attention because I am going to share with you…

How to turn a prospects ‘NO’ into a ‘YES’

Here is the TRUTH

About 90% of the people you talk to about your business, will Never join your business or buy your products or services.

They will say “no” and will probably make a hundred of excuses in the process.

If you have been in the industry longer than 30 days then you already know that’s a fact.

Are you tired of hearing ‘NO’ ?

no no no signWhen you hear “NO’ all the time it can really get discouraging. In fact it’s one of the reasons why so many newbies give up or quit their business within the first 90 days after joining their network marketing company.

If your prospects are constantly telling you they’re not interested, then it’s probably because they don’t see your value.

Your value is the reason why a customer buys from you or the reason why they will join your business. And if you can’t clearly provide any value, then one thing is certain…you can expect your prospect to continue telling you ‘NO’.

How to create and add value for your prospects

Start by answering these important questions about your product:

  • Does your product solve a major pain point or address a specific “hot button” issue (e.g. back pain, credit card debt, difficulty recruiting, sponsoring, making sales, generating leads, etc.?
  • What is the end result of using your solution to solve the hot button issue? (benefit)
  • How has your product solved the same hot button issue for your prospect’s competitors?

Once you have your answers, then your job shifts to becoming a problem solver. Sometimes your product is not the best solution for a particular customer. A good marketer doesn’t approach a sale with the preconceived notion that this customer must want what you’re selling.

Offer some free tips or advice that addresses their issue. If your product or service can resolve your prospects need or pain then find a way to work them into your conversations with prospects.

Be direct and make sure you clearly state the benefits of your product/service. By mentioning these benefits early and often in the sales conversation, you gain the prospect’s interest.

Do it right, and you’ll be rewarded with your prospect’s undivided attention.

Do it wrong, and you’ll continue to hear ‘NO’ and lose out on potentially huge sales.

But what if you could start turning a NO into a… YES ?

Would that interest you?


Lets face it, most of your prospects will say ‘NO’ to your primary business opportunity..

…but you need to have a way to make money from your prospects even if they don’t buy your products or join your primary business opportunity.


The additional money or income stream can be used to fund other business expenses like advertising.

Besides having multiple streams of income never hurt anybody, right?

What if you knew of a simple strategy to make money from up to 90% of people who say ‘NO’ to your primary business opportunity?

How to turn a prospects ‘NO’ into a Yes + a commission

To turn a prospects ‘NO’ into a ‘YES’ you have to be able to offer them something else when they turn down your product or biz op.

This is where being an expert problem solver and knowing your target audience comes into play. 

Once you know your prospects pain point then offer them an affiliate product that solves their pain issue.

Top earners have been doing this secretly for years. So don’t be fooled into thinking that the top earner in your primary business only has ONE source of income.

Now once your prospect sees that you care about solving their problems and not just trying to make a quick buck. They will begin to know, like and trust you which will open the doors to relationship.

There is a process that I have successfully been using to make sales and recruit others for years and you can find the step-by-step formula in the Attraction Marketing Formula.

If you are tired of dealing with NOs and want to learn how to profit from your prospects even if they never join your primary business or buy any products then take a look at learning about attraction marketing .

To Your Success!
charles lenoir

P.S. Once you understand attraction marketing and how to leverage of the internet, you’ll begin to realize how the top earners work smart and dominate this industry. It will literally transform your mindset and your business and take it to a whole new level. Discover the exact formula here––>Attraction Marketing Formula

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Today I want to take a look at the marketing process — an area I personally believe needs to be emphasized in our industry a lot more.

Unfortunately most people are taught wrong. They approach marketing as selling and selling as getting some unwilling prospect to buy something he or she doesn’t want or need.

Well if you are marketing your business this way, then be prepared to FAIL!

Check out my articleWhy Begging For Prospects is A Business Killer!!

I personally have no interest in trying to sell something to someone who doesn’t want it, and I suggest you don’t either. True marketing is based on a simple – yet quite profound philosophy:

We’re looking for people…who are looking for what we have.

Put into more specific terms it means this: Our job is to identify qualified prospects — then put our marketing message in front of them. Give them enough information to make the right decision for them.

If that means they join your opportunity or buy your product, good. If it means they don’t, that’s good too. Your job is not to sell your opportunity or products to those that don’t need or desire them. It is to find the people who want what you have and give them enough information so they can decide if getting it from you is a fair exchange of value.

Don’t Sell – Sort

People arebad-salesman motivated by different reasons and many will surprise you. Those you think won’t...will. Those you think will…won’t.

Some people have legitimate reasons why they won’t become a customer or get involved with your company’s product, service or business opportunity, and that’s okay.

Sorting for Prospects

The most important thing for you to understand about any network marketing opportunity is that we are in the SORTING business, not the selling business!

When you are looking for qualified people to join your business opportunity, think of it as sorting apples or categories of people. There are four types and whether you are establishing your team through your own effort or helping agents you sponsored acquire new agents, you will always encounter people in these categories.

red-appleRED APPLES are motivated people who see the vision and once they hear your explanation, they immediately want to know how to get started. They are real easy to recognize by their enthusiasm. Your goal should  be to look for and work with Red Apples.

green-appleGREEN APPLES
are people who need or require considerable amount of time to make a decision. They will have to think about it or they may have to talk it over with their spouse. They ask for lots of literature and information. If you work with these people, you will find that they “spend” your time and time is your most valuable asset. Share marketing material carefully with these people and ask them to call you within 48hours. If they are interested they will call. If not, be prepared to let them go. It could be that the timing is just not right for them but they may be open in a few weeks or months. They may not be prospective agents now, but never take them out the loop. Get back to them from time to time. Green Apples can ripen into Red Apples.

rotten-appleROTTEN APPLES
are very easy to recognize. They are the people that tend to be negative or skeptical. They are not in need of any help or opportunities to better themselves. They may go out of the way to avoid contact with you. Not only can you recognize that they are not interested in any product or business opportunity but they will try to convince you that it doesn’t work or that its a SCAM! Stay away from these types of people! They will only drain your energy and rob you of your motivation and enthusiasm.

Rotten apples could be considered “dream stealers.” They are not only opposed to trying the service and/or the opportunity, but they also try to convince you that there is no opportunity for you.

Stay away from these people!! They will only drain your energy and enthusiasm. Remember, in reality there are no dream stealers. Only you can give up on your dreams.

But wait what about GOLDEN APPLES?

gold-appleGOLDEN APPLES are rare.

They are open minded people. They are the  type of people that instantly see the benefit in what you have presented them.

They may inquire about how to get involved before you can present it to them.

The main difference between successful representatives and unsuccessful representatives is what they do with their time. Spend 80% of your time sorting for and working with red apples, 20% of your time with green apples, and 0% of your time with the rotten apples. Remember that you can’t change people; you can only offer people an opportunity to change themselves.

The minute you recognize that someone is a rotten apple, don’t pursue them. Concentrate on the red apples.

REMEMBER: You are looking for motivated people (Red Apples). From time to time you will find a Gold Apple mixed in with Red Apples. Avoid Rotten Apples and be careful about spending too much time on Green Apples, but keep everyone informed from time to time. Situations Change

To Your Success!

P.S. Check out my RESOURCES Page to see the programs I recommend and tools I use to generate 20-50 new leads a day!

P.S.S. Looking for a business opportunity? Check out what I do to make click here.

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