Are you ready to turn your junk mail into business leads?
Today, I want to share with you an easy offline technique that I have been using to generate business leads for some time now.
Turn Your Junk Mail Into Leads
Junk mail can be annoying especially if you get more than a few pieces of it a day. American households average 10-20 junk mail offers in the mail each month.
Did you know . . .
- 5.6 million tons of catalogs and other direct mail advertisements end up in US landfills annually.
- 44% of junk mail is thrown away unopened, but only half that much junk mail (22%) is recycled.
- The average American household receives 848 pieces of junk mail per household, equal to 1.5 trees every year—more than 100 million trees for all U.S. households combined.
- Americans pay 370 million annually to dispose of junk mail that does not get recycled.
But what if you knew of a way that you could turn those magazine subscriptions, sweepstakes mailers, surveys and annoying credit card offers from banks into business leads?
How many of you actually open all of your junk mail?
Although the statistics say, “44% of junk mail is thrown away unopened,” I honestly never took the time to open my junk mail and look at the offers! I just ripped them up and immediately deposited them into the nearest trash can.
Who would have thought that your trash can is potentially a gold mine of FREE leads for your primary business or product!!!
I know that you have heard that expression…
How To Turn Your Junk Mail Into Business Leads In Three Steps
Step 1: Open Your Junk Mail And Grab The Postage Paid Envelope
You probably didn’t even realize that most of the junk mail includes a prepaid postage envelope in order for you to send information back to the solicitor. If you see these words “NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES” in the upper right-hand corner of the envelope then you are in business!
Step 2: Place Your Offer in the Postage Paid Envelope
So how can you get a free lead by using these junk mail envelopes?
Simple, just insert your business card or your company information [flyer, brochure, fact sheet, etc].
Here’s an example of what I put in the envelope along with my business or sizzle card,
Dear Friend,
Though we’ve never met, I specialize in helping people earn additional income from home. I’m always looking for sharp, motivated people who want to get ahead financially, aren’t afraid of hard work and don’t have time for a second job.
Would you please pass my card along to someone you feel qualifies and have them call the toll free number listed? If they are interested they can leave me a message and I’ll call them back to see if they qualify.
Step 3: Mail The Envelope
Once you place your offer in the envelope then seal it and put it back in the mail!
There will probably be some minimum wage worker on the other end that is paid to open these envelopes and will see YOUR AD and maybe even contact you!
What does that mean? It means one new exposure for you and your business or product. Within your own home, this means 15-25 free new exposures every month!
Want even more leads? Ask your friends or family or even your neighbors to save their pre-paid junk mail envelopes instead of throwing them away to give to you to use! This could literally mean hundreds of new exposures and leads each and every month!
The absolute best part about this technique is that its FREE to implement!
How To Turn Your Junk Mail Into Business Leads
What a BIG mistake I was making with my junk mail! And I am sure you are making this HUGE mistake too!
Your comments are welcomed below,
Are you looking for a good LegalShield review? Well if you are looking to find out more information about Legal Shield you have come to the right place!
I applaud you for doing your due diligence and research to see if its a legit company, and if you can really make money with this business opportunity!
In this unbiased Legal Shield Business Opportunity review I will attempt to provide enough information about the Company, Product(s), and Compensation plan for you to be able to make an informed decision.
NOTE: Unbiased (meaning I am not a distributor of their products and I do not promote their business opportunity). Your decision to join or not join the Legal Shield business opportunity is entirely up to you.
Let’s get started!
Legal Shield
COMPANY NAME: LegalShield (formerly Prepaid Legal)
FOUNDER: Harland C. Stonecipher
COST: $149.00
REACH: USA & Canada
LegalShield is a United States based network marketing company that officially launched on in1983.
The company is owned by MidOcean Partners (an American private equity firm specializing in leveraged buyouts, recapitalization and growth capital investments in middle-market companies).
Legal Shield Mission Statement:
Everyone deserves legal protection. And at LegalShield, our mission is to make sure everyone can access it. With the commitment of over 4 million LegalShield members, we are able to negotiate comprehensive legal services with dedicated law firms in the United States and Canada, at a fraction of what they traditionally cost. By offering uncommonly accessible legal services at an uncommonly affordable price, our hope is that everyone can live their lives worry-free, every day, every night, now and forever.
Brand Statement:
The LegalShield brand is a vow. It is a promise of peace of mind, a commitment to our customers that no matter the situation, we will be there to help. With total access to unlimited, complete legal coverage, our members should fear nothing. The protection of our product is total, a shield that watches over them and their loved ones, protecting their rights, their freedom and their future.
What Are the Products?
LegalShield offers pre-paid service for personal and small business legal plans plus identity theft protection.
Each plan covers specific things with a legal representative from paperwork reviews to court time, legal advice, IRS Audit support, court representation, will services and limited motor vehicle legal services.
LegalShield’s plans (including identity theft protection at an additional charge) are only available in the US and Canada due to complexities of laws varying from state to state and province to province and some services might not be available at all in some states/Canadian provinces.
LegalShield’s plans are around $20 a month but is slightly cheaper in some states.
Business plans available covering legal services that are more business orientated, ranging from about 75$-$125 a month (depending on your business size).
There is an a $10 non-refundable enrollment fee charged to the first months membership.
The plan also has an optional GoSmallBiz Supplement for an additional $14.95/month.
Note: The benefits and prices described are not available in all states and Canadian provinces. To see specific details on terms, coverage, pricing, conditions and exclusions visit the company website,
The Marketing System – How to promote the products
LegalShield trains their associates to promote their product using traditional, somewhat outdated, marketing methods such as Conference Call (PCC) • FlipBook • 3-Way Call • Luncheon • Business Briefing • In-Home Presentation (PBR).
They have recently instituted online presentations, lead capture pages and webinars for reps that want to leverage the internet to build their business.
NOTE: Don’t be the LegalShield associate that spams their friends Facebook and Instagram walls with ads and crazy make money now claims. Read this post “The quickest way to lose your Real and Facebook friends” before advertise on Facebook.
So how did the Top LegalShield earners become so successful?
The Top LegalShield earners build their businesses totally different than the masses do.
The top earners who are making money in LegalShield are great at marketing, both offline and online.
They know how to generate traffic and leads, and then convert those leads into sales, and they know how to recruit the best people into their business.
The teams that seem to be successful are using lead marketing tools in order to train their group on internet marketing techniques and give them the tools and knowledge to generate their own online leads.
If you want to become a top producer, you will need a powerful lead marketing system to foster and build a relationship with your prospects.
Not having a lead marketing system is why most LegalShield associates fail; because they follow the masses and get the same old results.
Can I make money with LegalShield?
The LegalShield compensation plan is a unilevel stair step breakaway plan tied into various membership levels.
You also earn a percentage through a certain number of levels of distributors within your organization. The higher the rank you achieve, the more levels from which you can earn commissions.
NOTE: A network marketing Stair Step Plan is a compensation plan in which representatives who are responsible for the both personal as well as group sales volume. It is a simple plans for the distributors who are new for network marketing business. Every step is based on a certain volume of sales target. If a distributor or networker achieve the set target he/she will promoted for the next higher level. The Stair-Step compensation plan gives huge incentives for distributors to achieve the set target. The breakaway design is structured so that team members have support during their early growth but can later branch off and lead their growing team independently.
A LegalShield active associate must produce at least three personal sales in the product/service line each quarter of the calendar year or maintain a personal membership to be eligible to receive commissions on a product/service line with the LegalShield Compensation Plan.
How do I join?
To be a LegalShield associate you must:
1) Pay the one time Fast Start Entry Fee (currently $149).
2) Pay the License Application Fee, if required by your state (fees vary).
Well this is a comprehensive LegalShield business Opportunity review, right? Then let’s look at the good as well as the bad.
The Good
- Residual income opportunity on product renewals. Renewals are amounts you earn on memberships that “renew” or continue paying after the first 12 months.
- At least three different ways you can get paid.
- Established company over 40 years in business.
- Monthly Commission Check – (daily and weekly frequencies are not available).
- Commissions are paid based on membership sales, either personal, or when an eligible Associate on your team makes a sale.
- Recognition and Bonuses. In addition to to the above compensation, LegalShield has a Luxury Car, Top Producer/Top Recruiter, Hall Of Fame, and Ring program.
- The company provides a good Success Guide to new associates to get them started.
The Not So Good
- Target audience is limited to those seeking legal assistance. Also Limited to USA and Canada.
- Requires that you have three (3) personal sales each quarter or have a membership plan in order to remain active as an associate and participate in the compensation plan.
- High potential for an associate to receive a charge-back. This means that if a customer cancels their membership within the first 12 months, the rep will incur a commission charge-back, due to the customer falling off the books.
- In the associate website, there is a $20.95 monthly upsell to purchase eService.
- Some states (16) and one Canadian province require a license through the department of insurance to market legal plans. License Fees vary but run between $27-$200 and the application fee for Manitoba (Canadian Province) is $55. Also most states require annual or bi-annual renewal of the license/appointment.
For a more detailed look the full LegalShield compensation plan here.
It is very difficult to find any of LegalShield’s annual earnings reports after 2010. Click Here for the Prepaid Legal (now LegalShield) 2010 Annual Report on the SEC Website or copy and paste:
Expected Membership Life- Using historical data through 2010 for all past Members enrolled, the expected Membership life can be computed to be approximately three years. This number represents the average number of years a new Membership can be expected to remain in force. Although about half of all new Memberships may lapse in the first year, the expected Membership life is much longer due to the contribution of higher annual retention rates in subsequent years.
NOTE: Commissions to associates decreased 13% from $130.6 million for 2009 to $114.2 million for 2010, and represented 31% and 27% of Membership fees, respectively.
Is the LegalShield business opportunity right for YOU?
Joining LegalShield as an associate requires a one time payment of $149 as well as any applicable licensing fees.
Once you’re registered as a independent associate, you can start building your business.
However you will not be receiving any commissions until your licensing in complete.
Unfortunately the sad truth is, if your looking at LegalShield solely for the purpose of the compensation plan and you are an inexperienced marketer without the drive and ambition to make a serious change in your life, LegalShield probably isn’t for you.
I’m assuming that we haven’t personally met yet and that I haven’t gotten to know you.
So, I’m going to be pretty blunt here.
If you expect to sign up and instantly start to make money without a lead marketing system, let me be the first to tell you … YOU WILL FAIL!!!
A strong marketing plan that incorporates online marketing tools can can create extraordinary results when done properly.
Your success as a distributor will ultimately be determined by how many people you can attract to you and your team.
What do I mean?
To succeed in Legal Shield or any Network Marketing company requires you to sponsor and enroll new people into your business.
If you want the best chance at success in your LegalShield business, you also need to learn Attraction Marketing principles.
The fact is your success will be based on your ability to market and generate qualified leads.
Without understanding Attraction Marketing principles, you will always be at a serious disadvantage.
I always highly recommend anyone who is planning on joining a network marketing business consider Attraction Marketing to help them generate qualified network marketing business leads. Doing so will put you in position to win not only inside LegalShield, but any company you may choose in the future.
A quality Attraction Marketing System will allow you to brand yourself personally as a leader, teach and allow you to generate leads, as well as help you generate income from the individuals not interested in joining the LegalShield opportunity.
When creating a system around you – you hold the power and can filter those that want to work with you into Legal Shield or any Network Marketing opportunity you choose. This is why I highly recommend learning a few simple skills – that allow you to build a business.
Click here for a free 3 day virtual training bootcamp to learn about attraction marketing.
By using attraction marketing, learning a few marketing skills, and leveraging the power of the internet, you can succeed where the other 95% fail.
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, you are doing a good thing researching LegalShield reviews.
Make sure you get to know as much about the company as you can before making a decision.
But also understand that if you are new to the direct sales and network marketing industry that your success will come from your ability to generate continuous leads in order to make sales.
In my opinion LegalShield is just like any other direct sales and network marketing company.
If you are interested in the legal industry then LegalShield is certainly an business opportunity worth looking into.
Success in network marketing is not a huge mystery. It is just a matter of correct education, proper skills and effective action.
Your comments are welcomed below, if you are a LegalShield associate please share your experiences.
If you want to INSTANTLY kill your network marketing business then beg for business!
Inexperienced or improperly trained network and internet marketers doing any and everything they possibly can to get a new customer or sponsor someone into their business.
I am seeing this more and more and quite frankly it bothers me! Little do they know they begging for business is actually killing their business.
Not sure if you are begging for prospects and killing your business, here is a quick test:
Are you calling, emailing and soliciting your friends and family members to buy products from you or join your business?
Are you promoting your business on social media several times a day throughout the week?
Are you always posting before and after photos and making outrageous claims about results or income? Making false claims…turn $15 into $50,000 in two weeks
Well if you answered yes, to either one of those questions your network marketing future might be in trouble.
Not only are you killing your business by operating this way but your are also damaging your reputation.
If you want to be seen as an network marketing industry leader you must learn to protect your reputation.
Industry leaders brand themselves and use strategies like attraction marketing to build relationships up over time. They understand the importance of branding, reputation, and credibility.
They know these things build trust with their prospects. They know that reputation means everything – and they work hard to maintain theirs.
Industry leaders DO NOT beg for prospects!
They DO NOT pitch their products or business opportunity all the time on social media or to their close family or friends.
Why? Because they understand that most people really don’t care about their business nor their product even if the makeup, juices, vitamins, wraps, potions and lotions work.
Every single person you come across is NOT a prospect!
When you promote your business to any and everybody in the manner described above it just makes you seem desperate. What makes you think being desperate is an income strategy?
What you are doing comes from a lack of education and not understanding what it really takes to be a success in network marketing.
Unfortunately most if not all network marketing companies do a very poor job of properly educating and training the people that join their company. Many still teach tired old marketing methods that no longer work.
If you’re new to the industry, then your objective should be to educate yourself! A vast majority of your time should be going towards learning. If you’ve been in network marketing for a while, then its about increasing your value. But whatever you do don’t beg for prospects to join your business or buy your products.
Begging for prospects is a business killer.
Please leave your thoughts and comments below!
According to a study by Parade Magazine, the traditional American Dream is based on the belief that hardworking citizens can better their lives, pay their monthly bills without worry, give their children a start to an even better life and still save enough to live comfortably after they retire. But many average Americans are struggling—squeezed by rising costs, declining wages, credit-card debt and diminished benefits, with little left over to save for retirement.
Ultimately, we would all love to be DEBT FREE and live the American Dream. We ALL want the best for our families.
Have you ever wondered what would your life be like without any debt? Just for a minute try to imagine what it would be like to NOT owe anything to anyone.
Take any 100 people at the start of their working careers. Follow them for 40 years until they reach retirement age, and here’s what you’ll find:
– 54% will be dead broke – dependent on their meager Social Security checks, relatives, friends, and even charity for a minimum standard of living.
– 36% will be dead…have passed away
– 5% will continue working, not because they want to but because they have to.
– 4% will be financially secure.
– Only 1% will be wealthy.
That means only 5% of the work force ends up being financially successful while 95% retire more or less destitute. In short, only 5% of the population have enough to retire by age 65. There will be a high possibility, a 95% possibility that YOU will be either dead or dead broke by 65 years old.
Isn’t that scary?If these stats continue to hold true it means that many will be forced to move in with their kids at retirement. If you’re in your 40’s and still have 30 years left on your mortgage and little saved you best be kind to your children.
YES, I believe it is. But in order to achieve it one must change their mindset.
Discover a powerful program that thousands of Americans are using to eliminate their mortgage and consumer debt fast! Click here now!
David Wood Prepares To Launch Top Producer Formula
David Wood, co-founder of Empower Network, will soon be releasing a new product!
On Saturday, August 23rd at 2pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) David Wood will be conducting a live webcast event to officially launch a new marketing product called Top Producer Formula.
Empowe.r Network has generated over $160 million in commissions for affiliate since October 2011.
What is the Top Producer Formula?
According to David Wood this product is suppose to reveal his insider secrets to recruiting and marketing that made him one of the industry’s a top internet marketer’s.
The Top Producer Formula is broken down into thirteen modules, which are suppose to teach you everything you need to know to make a serious income online:
Module 1: Get Your Product Noticed, Then Sell It
Module 2: Your Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions.
Module 3: Master the Production of Your Lead Capture Pages
Module 4: Hone Your Strategy and the Mechanics Behind It
Module 5: Make Connections, Form Relationships, and Develop Rapport
Module 6: Discover Specific Leads
Module 7: Making Business Deals on the Phone
Module 8: Learn How to Upsell Individuals and Obtain Their Loyalty
Module 9: Create a Great Formula For Your Presentation
Module 10: Strategy for Live Internet Events
Module 11: Strategy For Live Local Events
Module 12: Try to Create as Many Live Groups as Possible
Module 13: Pave the Path For Your Future
Dozens of millionaires and 100’s of six figure earners have been created as a result of David’s teachings.
Top Producer Formula
In conclusion, the Top Producer Formula is suppose to reveal the science and art behind recruiting and selling, delivered via a kid-simple, fun to learn formula.
To Your Success!
Please leave your thoughts and comments on the top producer formula below!