There’s a super-simple way to position yourself to be the top earner in your company. And it can be summed up in whats called…

Not getting the results you want with your business? 

It could be your marketing plan.

WHAT….you don’t have a marketing plan?

Well don’t panic because most entrepreneurs and small business owners do not.

However, if you want to take your business to the next level you must create a marketing plan.

A well designed marketing plan will help you reach your business goals much quicker, generate more leads faster and make more sales easier.

Without a marketing plan chances are you will struggle to make sales no matter how “Amazing” of a product or service you have!

My marketing plan is simple.

I use a 3 step formula to make more sales.

I hate prospecting.  Everyone does.

There’s not a network marketer on the planet who bounces out of bed in the morning and says…

“Goody, goody, goody!  I get to go strike up conversations with strangers and try to get them interested in my business!”


“Oh, hallelujah!  I can’t wait to get to the phone and start calling people I don’t know!”

That’s not happening.

And yet, that’s the standard-issue training that you get from most network marketing companies today.

They’ll tell you that the way to build your business is to:

  • Make a list of all the people you know or have ever known
  • The Memory-Jogger Method:  “Who do I know who’s an Accountant?   Who do I know who’s a Baker?  Who do I know who’s a Construction Worker?
  • The “Three Foot Rule”:  strike up a conversation with anyone who comes within 3 feet of you!
  • The F.O.R.M method.  Stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Message I don’t even want to tell you about this one.  I’ll have nightmares tonight if I do….
You get the point!

This stuff is Jurassic Park Marketing.  

It’s all leftover from decades ago when there was no internet….

 …where people didn’t have computers in their houses….

 ….where there was no such thing as a smartphone….

 ….where “debit cards” weren’t invented yet and most people wrote checks for things they wanted to buy.

old school marketing prospecting

Hope you get that. I mean REALLY get that.

Right now, the likelihood that you’re reading this on your mobile phone or iPad is pretty good.

You might even be riding down the road at 60 mph.

And, no matter what kind of device you’re on, you could literally BUY A CAR from where you are right now if you wanted to.

prospecting using old rotary phone And yet — despite all this amazing technology — the way most network marketers are taught to build their business is as old-fashioned as rotary-telephones and gas stations that close at 6pm.

This was the realization that made me wealthy in network marketing…

I spent years, spinning my wheels, in my network marketing business for TWO reasons.

And, if you’re not earning a six-figure income in your business, they’re probably the same two reasons that’s got you stuck.

Here they are:

  • I didn’t like what I was doing.  I had to force myself to do it and pretended I enjoyed it.
  • The methods I was using didn’t work very well.   They were out-dated, antiquated and didn’t match how people today wanted to live, work, buy things and earn money.

I could give you stories of all the stuff I hated.

Contacting people I haven’t talked to in years to see if they’d be interested in making money from home…. striking up conversations with strangers… calling 100 “leads” per day and leaving 96 voicemails …

It was stupid.  And that stuff is even more stupid today.

The truth is that prospecting and doing in-person presentations is a waste of time for most people.  

I’m not saying it doesn’t “work”.  Heck, anything will produce a result if you do it enough times.

But my big breakthrough came from asking some hard questions.

Ask Yourself These Questions…

  • How much of your spending each month is done with a stranger you met at Starbucks while waiting to get your mocha?  None.
  • How many of your monthly payments required you to go to some “home party” or “private business reception” to sit through a 2-hour meeting before making a decision?  None.
  • How many of your decisions each month that involves having to spend time with a salesman in a 1-on-1 presentation?  Unless you’re buying a car or a house, probably ZERO.
And finally, the BIG question:

If YOU don’t make decisions and spend your money that way, why are you asking your prospects to do it?

To Your Success!
charles lenoir

P.S. If you are tired of not getting results with your business click here to GET HELP NOW!

P.S.S. Work With Me Personally and show you the marketing strategies I use to make up to $1,000 in day!

If you find this post helpful please share it with others and feel free to comment below.

Your prospects tell you ‘no’ ….but not for why you think.

See, they want the money.
They want the time-freedom.
They want the financial independence.

But they say ‘no‘ to your business because they don’t want to do what they see YOU having to do to get them in the business.

They don’t want to prospect.
They don’t want to do 1-on-1 presentations.
They don’t want to do home parties.
They don’t want to do hotel meetings.
They don’t want to make lists of people they know.
They don’t want to chase friends and family
They don’t want to strike up conversations with strangers.

And that’s why they say ‘no’.

Because no matter how great your company, your product or your pay plan…

…they’re not going to say ‘yes’ if they think they have to work like it’s 1975.

The “sales pitch” is supposed to go here but I don’t have one…

Here’s where most people would say,

“But, with the Super Duper MLM 3000 Auto-Enroller Downline Builder, you can say good bye to those problems forever and build your business with pushbutton ease!”

Yeah, right.

I don’t have a ‘system’ to sell you.  And anyone who tells you that there’s a “cookie-cutter system” that’s going to do all the work for you is lying.

That doesn’t exist.

But, here’s what DOES exist…

When I stopped working with those old methods and I started using the right PROCESSES….the right STRATEGIES….

…my decision to stop prospecting catapulted my income from near-zero to over $26,000 in my 6th month….

And I did it with:

No prospecting
No 3-way calls
No phone calls of any kind
No meetings
No home parties
No making lists of people I knew
No “buying leads”

I used one simple strategy that let me get rid of 100% of the stuff that I hated doing….and let me start marketing in a way that my prospects could say “yes” to.

Life is good when you have the right strategy.

To Your Success!
charles lenoir

P.S. If you are tired of not getting results with your business click here to GET HELP NOW!

P.S.S. Work With Me Personally and show you the marketing strategies I use to make up to $1,000 in day!

Please share your thoughts or comments below and if you found this post helpful in any way then I ask that you share it with others so they may benefit too!